

Let’s Work Together

PO Box 99
Wynnewood, PA 19096


Email Newsletter Spotlights

Sponsor The Weekly High Five

By Main Line Parent, Philadelphia Family, and/or Bucks County Parent to get your message in front of 40,000+ local parents actively searching for resources and events to support their families.

Email Newsletter Audience:

Our subscribers are Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z, primarily women, distributed across the Delaware Valley Region with concentrations in Philadelphia, Wayne, and Doylestown.

The majority are decision-makers in their households who rely on The High Five to stay informed and discover new resources and events for their families.

Reach, open, and click metrics updated 10/1/24.

Main Line Parent

Parents: 20,980+

Average open rate: 44%

Average click rate: 1.3%


$325 for one High Five Email Spotlight

$1,350 for one Dedicated Email

Philadelphia Family

Parents: 13,980+

Average open rate: 27%

Average click rate: 0.92%


$300 for one High Five Email Spotlight

$1,250 for one Dedicated Email

Bucks County Parent

Parents: 6,360+ 

Average open rate: 31%

Average click rate: 1%


$175 for one High Five Email Spotlight

$750 for one Dedicated Email


Sponsors have a grey “[Organization Name] Supports the [Brand] Community” identifier above their photo.

Materials due 10 days prior:

  • 728 x 300 px photo and headline (with link) and supporting call to action text (60 characters max for headline and text)
  • Includes Facebook Page and Community Group share of the email campaign link with “Thank you [tagged linked to your organization’s Facebook Page] for supporting” acknowledgement

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